What blog posts should you write?

As a business owner with a website, creating valuable and engaging content for your audience is critical for driving traffic, building brand awareness, and establishing yourself as an authority in your industry.

However, with so many different types of blog posts and topics to choose from, it can be overwhelming to decide what to write about.

How do you know what will resonate with your audience, attract new readers, and generate revenue for your business?

In this guide, we’ll provide tips and strategies for identifying the types of blog posts that will resonate with your target audience and help you achieve your business goals.

Whether you’re just starting or looking to revamp your content strategy, these tips will help you create blog posts that are informative, engaging, and valuable to your readers.

How to Generate Blog Post Ideas

Define your goals and metrics

Before you start writing any blog post, you need a clear idea of what you want to achieve with it. What is the primary purpose of your blog? What are the objectives of each blog post? How will you measure your success?

Some common goals for blogging are:

– To educate your audience about a topic or problem
– To entertain your audience with stories or humour
– To inspire your audience to take action or change their mindset
– To persuade your audience to buy a product or service
– To build trust and authority in your niche
– To grow your email list or social media following
– To generate traffic and revenue from ads or affiliates

You must define different metrics to track your progress and performance depending on your goals. Some common metrics for blogging are:

– Page views and unique visitors
– Time on page and bounce rate
– Comments and shares
– Clicks and conversions
– Subscribers and followers
– Revenue and ROI

By defining your goals and metrics, you can focus your content on what matters most for your blog and avoid wasting time and resources on topics that don’t align with your vision.

Know your audience

To start writing, you need to know who your ideal reader is.

What are their pain points, challenges, goals, and interests? How can you help them solve their problems or achieve their outcomes? Understanding your audience will help you tailor your content to their needs and preferences.

Do keyword research

Keyword research is finding out what words and phrases your potential readers use to search for information online. It helps you optimise your blog posts for search engines and increase organic traffic.

Using keyword tools such as Google Keyword Planner or SEMrush lets you discover what topics are popular and relevant in your niche, what questions your audience is asking, and what gaps exist in the existing content.

Check out the competition

Take a look at what your competitors are blogging about. Use this information to identify opportunities to create better, more comprehensive, or more unique content than your competitors. Don’t copy your competitors’ content.

Ask for feedback

One of the best ways to generate blog post ideas is to ask your audience directly what they want to read about.

You can use surveys, polls, social media posts, email newsletters, or comment sections to solicit feedback from your readers.

You can also join online communities such as forums, groups, or Q&A sites where your audience hangs out and see what topics they are discussing or asking about.

Keep up with industry news and trends

One of the best ways to generate blog post ideas is to ask your audience directly what they want to read about.

You can use surveys, polls, social media posts, email newsletters, or comment sections to solicit feedback from your readers.

You can also join online communities such as forums, groups, or Q&A sites where your audience hangs out and see what topics they are discussing or asking about.

Maximise Available Tools and Resources

Many tools and resources exist to help you generate ideas and create and optimise your blog content, such as the following.

Keyword research tools

Conducting keyword research and optimising your content for relevant keywords is essential to help your blog posts rank higher in search engine results. Popular keyword research tools include Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, and Ahrefs.

Content idea generator tools

Tools such as Hitlist AI can help you generate relevant and engaging article ideas that resonate with your audience and simplify your content planning process.

Analytics tools

Use tools like Google Analytics, which can provide insights into your blog’s traffic, audience demographics, and more, to track the performance of your posts.

Engaging Blog Posts Types For Your Website

How-to posts

These posts teach your readers how to do something specific, such as bake a cake, start a podcast, or use a software tool.

List posts

These posts provide a list of items, such as tips, tricks, resources, tools, examples, or best practices related to a topic. They are popular because they’re easy to read and provide actionable advice on a specific topic.

Case studies

These posts showcase a real-life example of how you or someone else achieved a certain result or solved a problem using your product or service.


These posts offer an honest and unbiased opinion on a product or service you have used or tested.


These posts compare two or more products or services based on their features, benefits, pros and cons, and prices.


These posts feature an interview with an expert, influencer, customer, or partner in your niche who can provide valuable insights or advice to your audience.

Connect With Your Audience and Grow Your Business

Blog posts that resonate with your audience are not only beneficial for your readers but also for your business.
The tips and strategies in this guide can help you develop blog ideas that will suit your industry, audience, and goals.

Likewise, they can guide you in creating informative, engaging, and valuable content, which will help you drive traffic, build brand awareness, and establish authority.

Remember, your blog is a powerful tool for connecting with your audience and growing your business, so make sure you use it wisely and effectively.