How to Send Your Website Live

You have invested time and effort in designing and developing your website. Now comes the exciting moment of sharing it with the world. But how do you actually make it live?

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of sending your website live.

What Does “Going Live” Mean?

Going live or sending your website live means making it accessible and available to the public on the internet. Before that, only a few people who helped create or test the website could access it.

It marks the transition from the development and testing phase to the production phase, where the website is ready for public use.

How to Send Your Website Live?

Sending your website live slightly differs for websites coded from scratch and those made using a Content Management System. We will discuss the details below.

Here are the steps you need to take to launch your website successfully.

Choose a Domain Name and Register it Through a Domain Registrar

A domain name is the address of your website on the internet, such as You can buy domain names from a domain registrar like

Choosing a good domain name is important for your website’s branding, credibility and SEO. Here are some tips for choosing a domain name:

– Make it short, simple and memorable. Avoid using numbers, hyphens or misspellings that can confuse your visitors.
– Make it relevant to your website’s niche, topic or purpose. Use keywords that describe what your website is about or what you offer.
– Make it unique and original. Avoid using generic or trademarked names that can cause legal issues or confusion with other websites.
– Choose a suitable domain extension. A domain extension is the part of the domain name that comes after the dot, such as .com, .net, .org, etc. Choose one that matches your website’s type and audience. For instance, commercial websites usually use the .com extension, while non-profit organizations often use .org.

Select a Hosting Provider

The website’s files must be stored on a web server, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, images, and other media. A web host is a service that provides space and resources for your website on a server.

Choosing a reliable and fast web host is crucial for your website’s performance, security and user experience. Here are some factors to consider when choosing a web host:

Storage space and bandwidth

Storage space is the amount of disk space that your website can use to store its files, such as images, videos, etc. Bandwidth is the amount of data that your website can transfer to and from its visitors.

Choose a web host that offers enough storage space and bandwidth for your website’s needs and expected traffic.

Features and tools

Choose a web host that offers the features and tools you need for your website, such as email accounts, databases, SSL certificates, backups, etc.

Support and customer service

You may encounter technical issues or problems with your website at some point, so you must choose a web host that offers reliable and responsive support and customer service. Look for a web host that offers 24/7 support via phone, email or live chat, as well as helpful resources such as tutorials, guides, FAQs, etc.

Price and value

Web hosting costs vary depending on the type of hosting plan, the features and resources included, the duration of the contract, and more. Choose a web host that offers a reasonable price for the value that you get.

We recommend WP Engine for web hosting.

Adding the Domain to Your Hosting Account

Once you have the registered domain and the web hosting plan, you must associate the domain with your hosting account.

Access your hosting provider’s control panel or dashboard and navigate to the domain management section.

You will find an option to add a domain or domain alias there. Enter the domain name you registered and follow any instructions provided to complete the process.
Once you link your domain with your hosting account, you can manage domain settings in your hosting control panel.

Uploading the Website Files (for websites made from scratch)

Depending on your web host and platform, there are different ways to do this. Some common methods are:

  • Using a file transfer protocol (FTP) client. This software allows you to transfer files from your computer to the server. You will need to enter your FTP credentials (host, username, password, and port) provided by your web host. Then drag and drop your website files to the appropriate folder on the server.
  • Using a web-based file manager. This tool lets you upload files from your browser to the server. You must log in to your web hosting account and access the file manager from the control panel. You can browse and upload your website files to the public_html or www folder.

Installing Your CMS (WordPress) on Your Web Server (for WordPress websites)

Once you have your hosting plan, you can install WordPress on your web server. This process can vary depending on the hosting provider. But many offer simple installation wizards or automated tools to streamline the process.

From here, you can select a theme and customise it to your preference. You can also add plugins to expand the functionality of your website and add content to your site.

Testing and Pre-Launch Checks

Before making your website live, you must test it to ensure optimal functionality and user experience.

Review each page to check for broken links. Test forms and interactive elements, and verify that all content appears as intended.

Conduct cross-browser and cross-device testing to ensure compatibility across different platforms.

Additionally, set up any necessary configurations, such as email accounts, databases, and security measures, to prepare for the launch.

Configuring your DNS

Connect your domain name to the server where your website is hosted to make your website accessible to others. You can do this by updating your DNS records. This will ensure that when someone types your domain name in their browser, they will be taken to your website’s correct server.

Access the domain registrar’s control panel and locate the DNS management section. Enter the IP address or domain name provided by your hosting provider to point your domain to the correct server.

This process allows users to access your website by entering your domain name into their web browsers. Keep in mind that DNS changes may take some time to propagate globally, so be patient during this period.

Launch and Monitor

Congratulations! Your website is now live and accessible to the public.

Take some time to explore your website from a visitor’s perspective and ensure that everything functions as expected.

Monitor the website’s performance, gather user feedback, and promptly address any issues. Regularly update and maintain your website to keep it secure, optimise its performance, and provide an excellent user experience.

Final Words

Sending your website live involves several important steps, from domain registration to DNS configuration.

By following this step-by-step guide, you can make your website accessible worldwide. Remember to thoroughly test your website before launching it, and continuously monitor and improve its performance to provide visitors